Our first is the Large Animal night for Figure Study, a popular night for artists to drop in. We have an alpaca, pig, and maybe even a hedgehog! This will be taking place on April 9th, from 6 to 8 at the high school art room. Keep an eye out for new pictures here soon of what we have been doing our previous nights, there has been some amazing art created this year so far!
Our second opportunity is to enter into the Susan Lorenz Memorial Art Show. This is the 36th annual and will be happening the week of April 22nd through 26th. We will be unavailing the winner and honorable mentions during the Fine Arts Fest taking place that Monday, the 22nd, from 6 to 8pm at the High School Gym. This will be an amazing event to participate in and witness, hope to see you there! People wanting to enter art pieces can inquire with their art teacher and/or pick up a participant sheet from the schools office. This info will be posted to the school website soon too, so keep an eye out. Check in/drop off of art will happen April 17 and 18 in room A3 up at the High School. Times will vary between day on availability to check in.
The third opportunity is for artists from the high school and middle school to join in for a combined arts field trip! We do this once a year and visit art galleries in Lansing as well as on MSU campus. It is always a amazing time, one of my favorite events I do all year! Space is limited, so make sure to have your student touch base with me in the middle school or Mrs. Kubu at eh high school ASAP!
If you have any questions about these events feel free to contact me!