Last Night marked our 7th night of Figure Study, and we decided it was time for us to change things up a little! For this years motion night we invited in some yogi's to bend and twist while our artists drew them. Along with that we had our classic room with models interacting with the space around them, which was long pvc pipes. these pipes created like a framing effect to them, but also because of the way they were set up the models had to move in unique ways. Both these rooms yielded amazing results, check out the images below to see! ONE QUICK NOTE!!!Next week Tuesday, March the 10th, we will be having our most popular night: Large Animal Night! For this night we have many unique animals posing for the artists in place of human models.This year we have a Horse/Alpaca, a Pig, a Dog, and a Snake. These animals should provide some amazing inspiration for out artists.
If you would like to join us for this night feel free to swing by! This year we have a wide variety of amazing art being entered into the Ingham Art Show, check out the images below, maybe you will see someones you know!
We have had some fun and creative nights, our night one being our intro night, night two being our reclining figure/hands and feet drawing night, three being a new night: costume night, and finally our last Tuesday, the infamous Portrait Night. Check out the images below to see what cool art has been created so far this year! We have 5 classes left in this 2020 year. Our night 5 will be multiple figure night, with the wonderful Mr. Ellis playing piano for a crowd of people, night 6 is our Oil bar night (imagine oil pastels but HUGE), night 7 is motion night where we will have a yoga instructor leading some students, and finally, our most famous and interesting night... night 8: Large Animal Night. For this night we have a horse, a pig, and a large dog. Night 1: intro night/working with line and mediaNight 3: reclining figures/hands and feetNight 3: costume nightNight 4: portrait nightInterested in doing some AMAZING art after school? Want to be around other artists? Well if so then Williamston's Figure Study After School Club/Class is the place for you! Look at some of our previous posts to see the great art created in the past, and if you would like to sign up then feel free to contact Mr. Gere for more info or check out the files in the links below!
With a brand new school year brings new activities and events for those to participate in. Some are familiar, others new and exciting! One new one happening is the High Schools Art Club doing some fun Pumpkin Carving. This fun activity is one of many planned to make the school and our community more colorful. The High School Art Club also has a amazing mural project planed that will be happening later on this 2019 year at Old Nation, so check that out! For the Pumpkin Carving, check out the pictures below to see some of the amazing and creative pumpkin decorations done by our High School Students. We also have the Grand Rapids Art Prize happening right now until the 26th. For those unfamiliar with the event, artists from all over the world participate in this city wide art competition to win a cash prize and barging rights. The art can be found by visiting their website.
Over the past few weeks the WMS Art Department has had SO MANY extra happenings going on! Figure StudyOur first is the end of this years Figure Study Class. This year had a lot of amazing artists making some awesome art, check out the images below to see some of the art, the settings students drew, and even see if you recognize any of the dedicated artists pictured! Fine Arts FestLast week Monday we had our annual Fine Arts Fest. This is a amazing celebration of the arts, both audibly through band and choir, and visually through the Susan Lorenz Memorial Art Show. The performing arts did an amazing job preforming in front of a crowd of 1000+. The show showcased our arts on a K-12 district level. The art show also had so many participants this year, having the submitted art pieces not only range in topic, but in medium too. Check out the link below to see a article on the event! Annual Middle School and High School Arts Field TripLast week Thursday The High and Middle School had their Annual Arts Field Trip. Participants got a chance to visit the Broad Art museum, Kresgy Art Department at MSU, make some cool art in the MSU Art Lab, and finally end our trip by visiting the Lansing Art Gallery to see all the great student arts who entered into the Art Scholarship Alert competition. All this was funded by Michigan Youth Arts. Look below to see all the cool photos from our field trip!
Tonight is the Fine Arts Fest, where we are celebrating both the performing and visual arts! It will be held at the high school tonight from 6-8, during this time the K-12 performing arts will delight you with some wonderful songs. At 7 PM we will have an intermission where we will celebrate this years honorable mentions and first place winner of the Susan Lorenz Memorial Art Show. This year our 10 honorable mentions are Megan Janecke, Audrey Braman, Guy Pennington, Allie Alford, Aliana Hermann-Campana, Logan Tatarian, Carter Belanger, Lauren Schafer, Bella Spagnuolo, and Emma Williams. The Williamston Purchase Award was given to Seth Pennington for his piece titled "Blunder:My Own Universe". Performances will be in the new gym tonight, the art show will be located in the small gym until Friday. Check out the winning art pieces below! We hope that you can attend tonight to celebrate our performing and visual arts! We have some amazing things coming up here soon after break, so don't miss out!
Our first is the Large Animal night for Figure Study, a popular night for artists to drop in. We have an alpaca, pig, and maybe even a hedgehog! This will be taking place on April 9th, from 6 to 8 at the high school art room. Keep an eye out for new pictures here soon of what we have been doing our previous nights, there has been some amazing art created this year so far! Our second opportunity is to enter into the Susan Lorenz Memorial Art Show. This is the 36th annual and will be happening the week of April 22nd through 26th. We will be unavailing the winner and honorable mentions during the Fine Arts Fest taking place that Monday, the 22nd, from 6 to 8pm at the High School Gym. This will be an amazing event to participate in and witness, hope to see you there! People wanting to enter art pieces can inquire with their art teacher and/or pick up a participant sheet from the schools office. This info will be posted to the school website soon too, so keep an eye out. Check in/drop off of art will happen April 17 and 18 in room A3 up at the High School. Times will vary between day on availability to check in. The third opportunity is for artists from the high school and middle school to join in for a combined arts field trip! We do this once a year and visit art galleries in Lansing as well as on MSU campus. It is always a amazing time, one of my favorite events I do all year! Space is limited, so make sure to have your student touch base with me in the middle school or Mrs. Kubu at eh high school ASAP! If you have any questions about these events feel free to contact me! |
WMS art departmentOur goal is to help any students become enthusiasts about art and it's related topics! no need to be nervous, whether you are a extremely talented artist, or someone who is interested but not to confident about your ability's, there is a place here for you. We do lots of different projects in class, and learn about famous artists like Chuck Close, Banksy, Dr. Seuss, and many more. We also stride to make a difference outside the art room, with our sights set on many different opportunities to give back using art. Archives
June 2022
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