This class has been going on for years and is attended by students of many different ages and experiences in art. We have students from all over Williamston and even neighboring schools come to this wonderful class, and along with that there are even artists from the community that take the class too!
We meet for a total of 10 times and create 9 different art pieces during that time. The day we met is every Tuesday (weather permitting) from 6 to 8.
This figure study class is just what you need to up your game and make you stand out from others in the art world! We have various themes we do every night as well as working with varying mediums too. Check out the posts from last years classes to see all the cool stuff we did!
If this is something that sounds interesting to you and/or your child then feel free to contact you students art teacher. There is Mrs. Herek at the elementary schools, Mr. Gere at the middle school, and Mrs. Kubu at the High School. Any of us should be able to provide you with information on this fun and enriching class!